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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Parody: Harry S. Reid gets pressed by We the People!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Satire: Explaining the LSD Journey in Congress!

As we all know, many Progressives who serve in the US Congress are from the generation that were young in the 60's. The 60's were a time of rebellion, outrageously open expressions and a time that experimented heavily in several narcotics to include LSD. This is a skit where two generation Y kids begin realizing that the reason why complete chaos is going on in our country right now is that many people who are perma fried from the 60's are legislating all of the new laws that are creating the current chaos!


Nick: Some LSD journeys performed in the past created the concept of tax and cap where basically you let robbers steal from a company forcing the company that got robbed to raise their rates with their customers to cover the increased costs (uh, dude that's like YOU) and then the robbers pretend that they are doing something noble, but really they just ripped you off for the hell of it only because some other robbers in the Congress (Progressives gone wild) let them. So pretty much so that is how cap and tax works an I'm pissed!

Tom: So let me get this straight, you mean to tell me that all these robbers back in the 60's were doing an incredible LSD journey and devised the perfect heist to rob us on our taxes for cap & tax to save Al Gore's Earth? I mean, everybody knows now that Al Gore is a total liar of everything!

Nick: Uh yea, like totally.

Tom: Well who's going to stop them?

Nick: Uh well, the Congress right now is loaded with Progressives gone wild who are still doing the LSD journey because they're permafried and unfortunately they out number normal people right now, so basically we're up a creek without a paddle.

Tom: That's bull shit!!!

Nick: Uh yea, tell me about it...

Tom: So how do we stop them?

Nick: Maybe you could try giving them some free LSD so that they don't show up to work at Congress from partying too hard for several nights and days, has anybody tried that yet?

Tom: That's brilliant, where can we find some LSD and how do we get it to them?

Nick: Uh well, I don't know. I've never done any LSD before so just Google it or something...

Tom leaves and returns 3 hours later...

Tom: Okay, okay, so I found some LSD on line and I have a package being shipped to my house. They said it was like window payne and that window payne LSD is the Congresses favorite kind. So maybe we can get them off of the cap and tax journey and then just try to give them some free window payne LSD to redirect their journey to return $787 Billion in stimulus money back to the US Treasury since all they really achieved in abstracting those funds was to scare the bejesus out of everybody. You know my mom and dad don't even sleep right, are cranky and I'm tired of eating canned food! What do you think about that plan?

Nick: Well by golly, I think that you're on to something there. How in the world could anybody who partied in the 60's that is serving in Congress refuse any window payne LSD? They could be happy, we could be happy and the SUPER MAJORITY of people in the USA could be happy too! Holy moly, the only draw back to that plan is you'll inadvertently raise their poll numbers by tricking them into doing something smart for the first time in years. Are you sure you want to go there with that since it would be a bunch of fun to fire almost everybody in the Congress for the first time ever this November?

Tom: Yea damn it, they're about to implode our entire economic system with the World's stupidest economic policies and everybody out there like my mom and dad are about to lose their jobs, which means I'll never quit eating crappy canned foods!!! Screw it, let's just give them some free window payne LSD and call it good!!!

Nick and Tom rush out of the house and leave to ride a bus to Washington DC with boxes full of window payne LSD...

The End.

by Mike M.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Satire: Potential 2011 State of the Union Address

We are getting close to plugging the hole in the Gulf of Mexico and let me make it clear; Seafood is over rated!

Phoenix Arizona is better governed by Mexican drug cartels and look at the bright side, it's cheaper this way AND can help to pay down some of the National debt, even though the run away Congress will never quit frivolous spending towards saving the Earth, but in due time when we do save the Earth, it can be funded by furthering the rationing of health care!

I know that the middle class is upset to the fact that their income taxes are now at 75% of their income, but at least they get a real high tech fancy dancy National ID card with their DNA in the card for it! How cool is that? I especially like the hologram!

And I know that you're upset because the National average utility bill is now only $950.00 a month, but you just have to learn how to conserve better or just work more and it will be okay, I promise, your attitude will make all of the difference!

Now if we can just spend another 1.5 Trillion dollar Stimulus package bill that has been introduced in the Congress, this time I will promise to you that the unemployment rate will not exceed 25%, I PROMISE! We are nearly there to make America into the Utopia that I had always dreamed about as a young boy growing up!

Now, in 2011 we will balance the budget this time by just eliminating the entire Military. Military's cost a fortune, attracts racists, angers other Nations and we just can't have a Military and Nationalized health care at the same time, but then we have to some how figure out how to pay for some new bail outs that my pals on Wall Street need, so that I can have enough campaign funds to get re elected in 2012. But DO NOT worry, because we have a Marxist think tank who will figure out how to solve this dilemma and eventually with an open budget, we will figure out what the budget should be to convince you that it is balanced while I go out on another golfing adventure. If we have to, I will just sell the Statue of Liberty to Shang Hai. That city has way better harbors there any ways and the Statue of Liberty would look really good in their modern high tech city that boasts all of the manufacturing jobs that the USA once had! Maybe if we included the Brooklyn Bridge, the Lincoln Memorial, the Seattle Space Needle and all of the artifacts in the Smithsonian, they will return the Hummer Manufacturing jobs to us to create an additional 10,000 jobs to catch up to the 35 Million job deficit that we currently have. It'll be great! We will definitely get a handle on this unemployment problem as our 3rd Most important priority instead of how in 2010 it was our last priority, because of Nationalized health care, cap and tax and that BP thing got in the way of my golfing and weekly concerts as well as all of those racists down there in Arizona complaining about the Mexican Drug cartels blowing them away. Maybe if everybody in Arizona wasn't so racist all the time then the Mexican Drug Cartels wouldn't want to shoot them up, but at any rate my Attorney General will keep them tied up in court for years to come so that we don't have to be distracted by those little people who don't really matter anymore and 2011 will be a much better year than 2010, for me.

Keep believing! Do NOT give up hope and always remember, it is Bushes fault and YES WE CAN!!!


Good night America!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My thoughts on Libertarianism

More Americans are more so Minarchists than Libertarian, although a great number of Conservatives, Independents and even JFK type Democrats can appreciate a wide variety of Libertarian opinions with in the sphere of American political definitions of varying ideological mindsets. One thing that I have personally been fascinated with, is the fact that several varying ideological mindsets seem to never be enraged by Libertarian ideas as they can get with one another from time to time on different topics and issues with in politics. I believe that the core reason of the typical American open mindedness to Libertarian ideas is based upon the fact that most Libertarian ideas are central to common sense, which means that it is extremely difficult for an individual to have a strong negative reaction towards such a non intrusive, non overbearing and non threatening core value belief system. Libertarianism is a streaking belief system that better follows mans most primitive desires, which is to live well, to find peace and to coexist with others during an individual pursuit of happiness, while not being alone in an over all cultural pursuit. Human beings naturally gravitate towards and extremely desire genuine true liberty. This would easily explain why throughout American political history, Libertarian values have cris crossed through the Left and the Right ideological spectrum's at different points of time. Now how on Earth could any human being really be against that? To be so, would almost not be human!

-Mike M.
Sunday, June 20th, 2010.

Politics- The individual or the State? God, Liberty, E. Pluribus Unum, anybody?

To the credit of President Barak H. Obama, he was not kidding about his promise to fundamentally transform the United States of America and is working at lightening speed to achieve unprecedented changes as seen never before, to turn the USA into an unrecognizable Nation that the average American has never even fathomed before! The goal of eliminating all individual liberties is under way for the benefit of absolute power for the President, various Global elitists and select Progressive, Socialist and Marxist intellectuals with in a select crowd of perpetrators and the end result will be a conclusion of a Global Lords over surfs as a governmental equation by design, should the Constitutional Republic perish by their massive and constant legislative endeavors.

Individual liberties are fodder to the Progressive machines agenda and will be chewed up and disregarded as the Progressive agenda advances. The 2700+ page health care reform bill addresses much more than just providing health care to those who do not have it, but commands absolute control over all American's everyday lives by giving complete access of all American's personal financial holdings by the Federal Government, whether it be accessing banking or investing accounts and gives the Federal Government unconstitutional powers to remove funds at will, if desired by the Federal Government to do so. An end to any financial privacy for any individual in the USA is achieved with the passage of the extremely intrusive health care reform legislation. The Federal Government will also take over 100% control in issuing higher education loans to secondary education students, which is an ear mark that was discovered inside of the health care reform legislation. Besides the fact that rationing of health care services will occur and to the fact that intrusive unconstitutional penalties will be leveraged upon individuals who decline to gain and pay for care, what the unconstitutional health care reform legislation is really about is absolute authoritarian control by the Federal Government over all individuals who reside in the USA, with exception to the fact that illegal immigrants who break our immigration laws will just be covered for free by the American taxpayer. The health care reform bill is less about over all health care and is more about subjugation of the American individual by the Federal Government and should receive immediate consideration to advance Usurpation measures as granted to the American people in the U.S. Constitution. Usurpation is the unauthorized, unlawful exercise of power not expressed or granted in the U.S. Constitution and whenever a person, department or branch of the government (federal, state, or local) usurps, they assume undelegated powers and are therefore acting outside the law. Any legislation advanced outside of the parameters of the law, is therefore null and void.

Further intrusions of individual liberties are under way through the advancement of cap and trade legislation, which passed in the House of Representatives on Friday June 18th, 2010. Should the cap and trade legislation pass in the Senate at a later date, then utility bills through out the country will sky rocket, effectively damaging the individual consumers buying power in the over all economy and will of course also lead to the elimination of hundreds of thousands of jobs so that corrupt politicians can make a fortune in private business holdings that would support the proposed new "green economy" that has already proven to be a failure in Spain, which created a ridiculous 18.1% National unemployment rate there and has led to Australia to change course in not pursuing a "green economy", due to the well known guaranteed negative economic impact that cap and trade will create. Should cap and trade become enacted into law in the United States, then with the known automatic negative economic impact that the legislation will create; a result of countless additional "currently employed" Americans will become reliant on the Federal Government for welfare and food stamps, which of course has to be a part of the over all evil Progressive plan to retain absolute control over the individual through out the Nation to secure power at future ballots. This is merely a planned cyclical Progressive process to retain power and control at the expense of individual liberties. Desperate people will seek desperate measures to survive and get by, which the Progressives clearly understand, which is why they enjoy to purposely create an economic depression by design.

The evil anti American Progressives also seek to eliminate the Second Amendment by signing UN agreements behind the scenes in obscurity and by continually trying to advance the H.R. 45 (Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009) to target all gun owners in the U.S.A. The evil anti American Progressive strategy is very much so quite simple. A constant advancement to make it a royal pain in the rear to possess any fire arm will deter how many Americans choose to participate in their Constitutional rights to bare arms and of course once there is vastly more Americans who do not desire to practice their inalienable rights, through an evolutionary process of eroding such rights by constant harassing legislative assault, a result of eventual full scale ban can be eventually achieved. That is exactly the evil anti American Progressive plan. Once a society is stripped of their personal fire arms, then more brazen authoritarian measures of limiting individuals liberties becomes extremely easier with out any consequences. The inalienable right to bare arms in the United States Constitution has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting as many politicians would have you believe, but instead the founding fathers had a vision of another check and balance that leverages the American citizen against the prospects of a Tyrannical Government amongst many other checks and balances that they designed to seek a preservation of a Constitutional Republic. Should the evil anti American Progressives ever achieve stripping the inalienable right to bare arms away from the American individual, then unchallenged Tyranny may be achieved in over drive with out fear or regards to any viable repercussion(s), which of course is why it is vital for every American to oppose any Second Amendment infraction(s) that are attempted regardless if an American appreciates a fire arm or not, because in the bigger scheme of things, that Amendment is part of a complex matrix for individual liberty preservation, Constitutional Republic preservation and an additional safe guard against the potential of tyrannical government to come into existence.

Net neutrality is an assault of freedom of speech and is currently under way for targeted implementation to further control the main stream media message for the vast majority of the US population. President Obama also edited President Ronald Reagan's Executive Oder 12425 granting Interpol diplomatic immunity, which President Ronald Reagan never granted for a future suspected One World Government Gestapo. To learn more, please visit Unions such as the SEIU and community organizers such as the former group known as ACORN, now known as Community Organizations International are all vital instruments for the planned Global Communist one world government to herd the masses for perfect subjugation of absolute command and control for anybody who desires the ability to gain employment any where on Earth. Traditional allies to the USA are currently not appreciated as commonly witnessed even on the main stream media and Authoritarian States are much more appreciated as never seen before with the current foreign affairs policies being pursued today. Arizona is being over ran by immigration infractions with little regard to American National sovereignty by this current administration, not to mention astounding Nationalization of Private Corporations that has already occurred as well. I fear to state what Ronald Reagan once said,"Don't be afraid to see what you see." Too many paralleled actions have transpired or are currently under way in a complete fundamental transformation of the United States of America, which will have broader impacts not only on the American citizen, but also on many other Nations and people through out the World. We may not have enough time to stop the onslaught by November for any political change of power to prevent the erosion of humanity as destined slaves and if there is any chance to make it to November to reverse the evil anti American Progressive legislative actions, then it will be imperative for several court actions to be initiated RIGHT NOW, in order to buy time to allow November to mean anything at all. Lawyers who traditionally support the Democrat Party should take heed to what is transpiring. Lawyers thrive in a Nation of laws that a Constitutional Republic is, but if a pseudo one world communist State is achieved then legal services as witnessed in past Communist States are not needed so much anymore, which is quite an interesting quandary for those out there who practices Law. Many Lawyers out there should seriously consider their long term futures versus any short term gains while this new one world alignment is currently under way and seriously ask themselves this poignant question,"Is it worth it for me to assist in advancing an agenda that may very well put me out of a long term occupation for just a little extra quid right now?" This may sound some what extreme, but is it really when you begin to connect all of the dots?

Should the evil anti American Progressive machine prevail before November of 2010, then a 1000 years of darkness will reign over the world creating a World of misery for the masses. Those who are poor will remain poor, those who think that they are comfortable right now, will lose all comforts and those who posses power will remain in power indefinitely for themselves and their future lineage. The implications and the end results will not just negatively effect every day Americans, but once the United States of America ceases to be a Constitutional Republic, then Global alignment for a one world Government can come into existence to advance unchallenged measures to control all of mankind as never seen before through out human history. Suppose my suspicions are wrong, which would be wonderful, but with everything going on all at once in a legislative blitzkrieg in the USA as never seen before in all of American history, is it really at all worth the risk that my suspicions could be correct?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010