Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
States Don't Have Rights, States Have Powers
The following is an open letter to Thomas E. Woods, author of Nullification (buy at
I enjoyed watching a zombie pick your brains during your YouTube interview.
I agree with your assessment that we are being played for suckers. I hope that distinguished scholars, such as yourself, will work diligently to counter the manipulation of our language by the left.
A month ago I was trying to argue the cause of States Rights and was immediately labeled a "neoconfederate-racist."
While posting the wording of the Tenth Amendment the umpteenth time, it dawned on me: States don't have "rights" they have powers.
I am now curious about the origin and usage of the term "States Rights."
As you are more learned and have access to better resources than me, I would be honored if you took time out of your busy schedule to address this very important distinction.
My research of the Founders indicates that they created a multidimensional political structure where the people had rights. The States and Federal Governments had limited powers.
If this is true, then the slogan "States Rights" is antithetical to the Constitution. Advocates of limited government run the risk of undermining their cause if they use the loaded term "States Rights."
If what I believe is true, and the slogan "States Rights" is paradoxical creation of the enemies of limited government, then proponents of nullification need to strike the term from their lexicon and actively challenge its use by emphasizing "States don't have rights, only people have rights. The Constitution grants limited power to the different levels of government."
Blog Posted by lostmybeer.
Blog found posted 1st, by y-intercept at and posted at http://taxmemore.blogspot with permission.
Lostmybeer side note or comment to this article: I believe the point made in this article is a very good point. If States have powers then why don't they act now to counter this out of control Federal Government to stop various ill advised economy killing legislative actions by Washington DC to get onto bigger and better things such as fixing this lousy economy! Let DC crash their own budget and let logical and down to Earth normal people get on with it!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Poem: Winds of verbenas.
along the brook to the plains of strife.
Oh I see,
the verbenas!
That flower breeches the soil, is nourished by the rain to the vigor that is gained by the sun and there it is on wain.
Now how can it be that seeds so free make transport for harbor?
Across the seas the transplant of thee,
Or is it all for fodder?
Now time will tell of the liberty bell of the crack that is so famously symbolic.
Is it that the crack may divide a Republic? Or is it that the crack is merely the strain that fuels the strife which makes the Republic stronger?
Oh I see,
the brook meandering across the plains and the winds they gust across the new American wain,
these seeds of liberty uplifted and transplanted by God's good grace.
Seeds scattered across the plain as far as the eye can see to the horizon.
Oh I see,
it's an entire field,
filled with wild and free verbenas.
by Mike M.
Written: Thursday July 1st, 2010.
Why Progressive policies always fail.
What is really the core reasoning of automatic guaranteed failure by Progressives gone wild policies? Quite simply, the answer is complacency. Progressive policies reward complacency and encourages the bare minimum of people in life and human beings were not designed to seek the bare minimum in life, but rather human beings are designed to be challenged.
In a nut shell, this is what the Progressive agenda is all about. Elitists are the slave masters who deliver the bare essentials to life for all. Assuming that you're not an elitist, you will have access to health care, you will never starve, you will have shelter and you will have access to entertainment for a little while. Of course none of these bare essentials are for free, because really nothing in life is ever for free. You will be taxed high on your earnings or on the things that you buy or a combination of both. Regardless in how you slice or dice it, the gross total of your earnings will eventually be galvanized to a point to where you possess less funds for your self at the end. This is the Progressive concept. It is a concept of Lord over serf. You will remain in the heirarchy of society to where you were born. Now this sounds like a really great dealio if you were born at the top of the food chain, however if you were born at the bottom, well this designed system will ensure that you will remain at the bottom more often than not. The financial hurdles will be too much, for the vast majority of people to ever over come.
Now, lets say you're a person that is not very ambitious and this system really doesn't sound all that bad to you, which is very logical. It's really not the worst case scenario to have the bare essentials of life provided to you, especially considering that poverty and human desolation is far much more worse to endure and has occurred on Earth as well. That is a very sound and good point, but please do consider human nature as well as you contemplate such a society system that socialism is.
Humans are creatures that excel in life when they are challenged. A socialist system of providing the bare essentials to you in life at a high cost in taxation has always failed throughout human history because an environment of complacency for humans has been created. In fact, on paper socialism is in fact, the most perfect society system ever devised, however in the real world it is one of the worst society systems ever designed, because socialism has never taken real human behavior into account. If humans are not constantly challenged, then humans naturally evolve to embrace complacency. In the animal kingdom complacent animals perish to predators. The young bird that does not learn to fly, is eaten by the fox. So with this phenomenon in nature being well known and understood, a logical person must also consider even though humans are highly intelligent creatures, are we not part of the animal kingdom too?
Complacency rules in socialist societies, because humans are smart enough to understand that if they get something for what appears to be nothing, then maximum effort is no longer required. Humans gravitate towards personal entertainment and other personal endeavors more instead. As an entire society begins to entertain themselves more, then naturally productivity in the over all economy reduces. Once productivity reduces too much, then a societies economy begins to spend more than it creates. Massive society debts then bring the socialist society leadership to a juncture to where a decision must be made. The decision results in either leading a society into communism where forcing productivity to increase at the barrel of a gun or other terrorizing techniques are pursued or a decision is made to ditch the socialist system entirely for a capitalist system where an individual must make their own roads and fend for themselves to survive. Of course, socialism will always eventually fail due to genuine and true human nature and behavior, which always trumps designs that are drafted on paper.
The dangers of socialism in society are very evident when you begin to weigh out the planned system versus human nature. This conflict and clash always dooms the dream of a Utopia to its guaranteed automatic failure. Now you may wonder if this is proven true over and over and over again in human history, then why is it that so many politicians and elitists pursue this system? Aren't they aware of any history, a logical person might ask? Well the answer is simply, yes, these individuals are intelligent enough to know the history of the automatic and guaranteed failure that socialism always provides, but these individuals are the fox and you are the prey. These unscrupulous individuals pursue this system only to prey upon you to better themselves. Most individuals who pursue socialism today, are some of the worlds most evil and most dangerous people on Earth or are just mentally unstable and delusional. They will pursue this system relentlessly only for self adulation and lust of power, absolute and maximum power wielded over the masses. Most individuals who pursue socialism today are individuals that are pathological narcissists. This is a dangerous human condition that causes an individual to pursue maximum power for endless attention, which heading socialism in society best assists that person to achieve. Pathological narcissists are masters of manipulation and are extremely intelligent. They can always make the absurd sound so wonderful. Pathological narcissists are typically charismatic, charming and appear to be non threatening to you as well. You have never heard of a Joseph Stalin, a chairman Mao or an Adolph Hitler in a free society, who mind you, were all pathological narcissists. Free societies do not grant enough power for a pathological narcissist to wield it for evil, but socialism grants the gateway of enough power for these individuals to thrive in an arena where the meal will eventually be you.
So as you ponder on how wonderful obtaining free junk sounds, please consider who it is that is giving you free junk. Do you really know who these people are? Foxes will eat flightless birds.
by: Mike M.
Written: July 1st, 2010.
In a nut shell, this is what the Progressive agenda is all about. Elitists are the slave masters who deliver the bare essentials to life for all. Assuming that you're not an elitist, you will have access to health care, you will never starve, you will have shelter and you will have access to entertainment for a little while. Of course none of these bare essentials are for free, because really nothing in life is ever for free. You will be taxed high on your earnings or on the things that you buy or a combination of both. Regardless in how you slice or dice it, the gross total of your earnings will eventually be galvanized to a point to where you possess less funds for your self at the end. This is the Progressive concept. It is a concept of Lord over serf. You will remain in the heirarchy of society to where you were born. Now this sounds like a really great dealio if you were born at the top of the food chain, however if you were born at the bottom, well this designed system will ensure that you will remain at the bottom more often than not. The financial hurdles will be too much, for the vast majority of people to ever over come.
Now, lets say you're a person that is not very ambitious and this system really doesn't sound all that bad to you, which is very logical. It's really not the worst case scenario to have the bare essentials of life provided to you, especially considering that poverty and human desolation is far much more worse to endure and has occurred on Earth as well. That is a very sound and good point, but please do consider human nature as well as you contemplate such a society system that socialism is.
Humans are creatures that excel in life when they are challenged. A socialist system of providing the bare essentials to you in life at a high cost in taxation has always failed throughout human history because an environment of complacency for humans has been created. In fact, on paper socialism is in fact, the most perfect society system ever devised, however in the real world it is one of the worst society systems ever designed, because socialism has never taken real human behavior into account. If humans are not constantly challenged, then humans naturally evolve to embrace complacency. In the animal kingdom complacent animals perish to predators. The young bird that does not learn to fly, is eaten by the fox. So with this phenomenon in nature being well known and understood, a logical person must also consider even though humans are highly intelligent creatures, are we not part of the animal kingdom too?
Complacency rules in socialist societies, because humans are smart enough to understand that if they get something for what appears to be nothing, then maximum effort is no longer required. Humans gravitate towards personal entertainment and other personal endeavors more instead. As an entire society begins to entertain themselves more, then naturally productivity in the over all economy reduces. Once productivity reduces too much, then a societies economy begins to spend more than it creates. Massive society debts then bring the socialist society leadership to a juncture to where a decision must be made. The decision results in either leading a society into communism where forcing productivity to increase at the barrel of a gun or other terrorizing techniques are pursued or a decision is made to ditch the socialist system entirely for a capitalist system where an individual must make their own roads and fend for themselves to survive. Of course, socialism will always eventually fail due to genuine and true human nature and behavior, which always trumps designs that are drafted on paper.
The dangers of socialism in society are very evident when you begin to weigh out the planned system versus human nature. This conflict and clash always dooms the dream of a Utopia to its guaranteed automatic failure. Now you may wonder if this is proven true over and over and over again in human history, then why is it that so many politicians and elitists pursue this system? Aren't they aware of any history, a logical person might ask? Well the answer is simply, yes, these individuals are intelligent enough to know the history of the automatic and guaranteed failure that socialism always provides, but these individuals are the fox and you are the prey. These unscrupulous individuals pursue this system only to prey upon you to better themselves. Most individuals who pursue socialism today, are some of the worlds most evil and most dangerous people on Earth or are just mentally unstable and delusional. They will pursue this system relentlessly only for self adulation and lust of power, absolute and maximum power wielded over the masses. Most individuals who pursue socialism today are individuals that are pathological narcissists. This is a dangerous human condition that causes an individual to pursue maximum power for endless attention, which heading socialism in society best assists that person to achieve. Pathological narcissists are masters of manipulation and are extremely intelligent. They can always make the absurd sound so wonderful. Pathological narcissists are typically charismatic, charming and appear to be non threatening to you as well. You have never heard of a Joseph Stalin, a chairman Mao or an Adolph Hitler in a free society, who mind you, were all pathological narcissists. Free societies do not grant enough power for a pathological narcissist to wield it for evil, but socialism grants the gateway of enough power for these individuals to thrive in an arena where the meal will eventually be you.
So as you ponder on how wonderful obtaining free junk sounds, please consider who it is that is giving you free junk. Do you really know who these people are? Foxes will eat flightless birds.
by: Mike M.
Written: July 1st, 2010.
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