Is there going to be a new World? Yes. Is everyone gonna just live on the Plantation and chew on some free gummy bears and lollipops for ever and ever as the Regressive Progressives always dreamed about as their grandest and greatest dream come true while all of the supposed little people would bow to them and chant that they are not worthy year in and year out for ever and ever too? No.
Okay, so what will the new World look like then after Trillions upon Trillions of dollars was spent to construct a Plantation that none of the normal people wanted to live on? Well, we will probably see currencies World wide go insolvent while Nations all over the World scramble to pile up as much Gold as possible for the inevitable reformations that will come soon AND we will probably witness a profound Conservative political assendency occur in the elections of 2012, which will result in U.S. Federal government down sizing as not seen since after WW2, we will witness the Democratic Party imploding into itself with Party platform changes occuring there after too.
The American people were in fact briefly tricked in the elections of 2008 coming off of an economic high that lasted longer than ever before when Reaganomics was changed little by either Party, but with Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae being funded from the fruits of such long term prosperity, well, America's most deranged Leftists were working hard to undo the good times that Reagan's people created by allowing people with low credit scores to purchase homes with no down payment at all and thus the delusional Marxist Democrats discovered as to why their credit scores were so low when many, many of them wouldn't pay their mortgages on time or at all, which in turn created the housing bubble burst of 2008.
Now ofcourse the delusional Marxist media has spent thousands of hours of time disregarding the sources of the problems created and instead has focussed on telling the derivative story, the subprime bonanza AND the foolish CDO investments sold as a result of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae getting to do what they wanted to do with the protection of the Federal Government at their sail, considering to the fact that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are Federal Corporations, which means they are a quasi entity of the utmost stupidity ever imagined by man kind, because they operate similar to a normal Corporation, BUT they're not held to any rational market place standards as one because of the obvious Governmental dynamic that exists for them. So in more instances than not, well, the far left radical lunatic elements of American Society has already begone what they do best, which is ofcourse to miss the greatest point to any story, which is the source or the plot and with manipulative distraction they have proceeded to ignore and disregard reality again and instead future generations will just focus in on the details that derived from one of mans greatest economic stupidities ever devised AND exclusively created by the Regressive Progressive movement that is on the precibise of destruction by it's own means, know how and brilliant engenuity of perpetual stupidity. With a little luck though, articles like this one will slip out for future researchers to get through the delusional Marxist Regressive Progressive manipulations and real events, real numbers and real policies will be reviewed to the lead up of everything that the manipulative and delusional Marxist media has put out there to find the truth!
So in conclusion, well, I'll tell you that most of the normal people who comprises the super majority of American thought in American Society is not tricked by the Marxists what so ever at all. They did catch everyone off guard when the housing bubble burst that they created in 2008 occurred, they did, because their policies ruined millions upon millions of American lives, but because of all the free time that the normal people has had from the Marxist Regressive Progressive sure fired economic stupidity, well, millions upon millions of Americans have performed careful study, back tracked and have discovered the truth EVEN while till this very day the delusional Marxist Regressive Progressives have spent most of their time trying to dilute the truth and trying to muddy up the waters on what the real truth is. So in essence most of all of the delusional Marxist Regressive Progressives will just be fired in November of 2012, so that way the American people can install sane people into the Federal Government to begin the long and pain staking task of reversing most of everything that the delusional Marxist Regressive Progressives have done over the course of some 100 years. America may very well be stuck with some Progressive policies as a World super power in regards to some foreign affairs policies, as a Nation that can have the ability to deter WW3 with all of the advanced military technology, tactics and strategies that the USA's military possesses, however the welfare State, the deranged economics that Marxists have interjected into successful economics that past Libertarians and Conservatives have installed will inadvertently be drastically reformed while new currencies are issued and while a bit extra of American Energy Independence is deployed to stabalize the delusional train wreck of maximum economic stupidity deployed by the Marxist Regressive Progressives in the USA.
But from speaking with many, many normal people in the USA, well, I have discovered that they know that the firmly convicted and deeply believing Marxist Regressive Progressives in the USA really do possess a mental disorder of the highest Society calibur and now that all of the normal people in the USA has recieved the opportunity to see the results of their policies deeply applied into American Society, well, the election results for 2012 are pretty easy to see EVEN right now, which is ofcourse the Regressive Progressive movement being removed out of political power Nation wide and to just be out of the game for atleast a 25 year period for all of the economic chaos that the movement has created. It will also take like 15 years to get the Nations children to not be taught to be dumb anymore too and it's gonna take some time to get people to learn how to believe in themselves too. It was a grand, long term Society brain washing scheme that only turned out to be a grand Society ponzi scheme in the end, but the good news is that the normal people in American Society is wising up. Some of the deeply convicted Marxist Regressive Progressives in American Society are just a lost cause, yup, they're brain washed beyond the point of no return what so ever at all. You can even see the lunatic, high strung and razzed looks of facial expressions on their faces that Debbie Shultz and Nancy Pelosi does all the time. It's almost like a perpetual perma stuck bit of body language that will unfortunately never leave their poor souls as they walk on this Earth, but with aside from those most extreme examples of the mental disorder that the Marxist Regressive Progressive movement has created over some generations in America, well, they are ofcourse are just the exception to American Society and are not the rule to American Society at all, thank goodness!
So in the end the American people will have to take their lumps to some degree, they will learn about how it's not a good idea to just get free gummy bears and lollipops for ever and ever at the cost of high taxation and liberty theft and instead will have to focus on creating a Society that is fair for people to take a shot at their dreams, to be a Nation of Laws, to not do delusional "Social Justice", but instead to embrace "Equal Justice" instead and to do a better job in helping people, help themselves while embracing individuality over ebracing a Society of really stupid people stuck on the Equal Opportunity Slave Master Plantation instead!
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