The World is under a Global economic crisis to an extent that various Nations, Continents and Nation alliances are on the teeder todder for geopolitical and World wide shifts, but to an extent where once the pendulum swings all Nations on Earth will not dodge a good hit. The game is like a cruel game of musical chairs and when the music stops as all have been posturing, angling, adjusting and shifting, well, at random some will surely hit the floor and all will take a good bruising!
That is why if various Nations on this Earth was wise, well, instead of trying to potentially exploit the situation at risk to potential World War 3, well, instead it maybe wise to see how for once maybe the World can exploit a Global negative and turn it into a Global positive instead!
All Nations and peoples on this Planet needs to serve a meaningful and fruitful purpose and all people are energy with in the realms of heirarchy that has always existed on this Planet and more than likely will always exist well after this World wide crisis expires and comes to an inevitable conclusion. Man seams to always face the cyclical dilemna that occurs where those who are on top are poked at from those below to be replaced and circumvented and for those who are on top, they devise ways to keep those below to stay below and to not position themselves to challenge.
To me that seems to be where we go wrong as man and ofcourse this comes from a person like myself who's been at all teir levels of Society financial heirarchy at different time intervals of my life. It's been interesting to study mans true nature and demeanor and to study all of the different Society and Governmental experiments that have been tried, tested and failed over and over again as well and through the course of conducting such long term research it had occurred to me that we may quite possibly live in a time where maybe the powers that be on this Planet should consider trying out new Society system aparatuses that has never been tried or tested in light of the failures that Marxist principled fascism, Socialism and Communism has presented as well as the imperfections and short comings of Capitalism, Imperialism and Monarchy's too.
What I've come to realize is that no matter where any given "unique" individual maybe with in the context of Society hierarchy the one thing that is certain from almost all human beings is the need for personal expansion. It's human nature really, if anyone was to ask me, it truly is. So then I pondered about what man has done all through out human history and I was quite amazed as to how primitive many of us apears to be, whether we are at the top of heirarchy today, in the middle or at the poverty scale in any given Society. I contemplated the newer theories of human subjegation that really isn't derived from any new premise such as the New World Order of Lord over Surf conceptions and George Orwellian 1984 Surevellance Society's and I began to realize that although modern advanced technology permitts these novel new conceptions to be realized today that in all due essence man will not advance at all as a species until man begins to design a more natural and individual driven conception rather than a false and artificial conception of how to operate a Society in order to allow man to advance and graduate towards harnessing human energy towards positives for once rather than to have such human energies fueled by our negatives, which consequently leads to World Wars, pain, strife and turmoil as repeated all through out human history with little change or progression to our humanity in outpacing our development of technology.
So what I came up with for a new Society concept was new and novel with a focus on equilibrium and balance of our humanity, enough individual incentives for rational persuits of free chosen endevours, respect for all levels of heirarchy and the complete irratication of human poverty to the highest achievable level allowable while not ruining any given "unique" individuals will to still obtain it, should they desire to do so and to direct and channel human energies away from negatives to be applied towards positives instead that will hence allow for human expansion at all levels of the human species heirarchy and thus reduce envious and greed tensions that seems to always culminate in mans over all demeanor through out any given Society.
In an example Society in a Nation State, all citizens 18 or older should be allotted or granted a base line income of $25,000.00 USD a year in 2012 buying power. This baseline income is granted to all citizens regardless if they work or not and for those who do work it is immune to various levels of earnings in never being cancelled. It's not a lot of money and does not encourage citizens to be idle, however it ensures that poverty is not permitted in a Society unless the free individual goes out of their way to achieve it. In granting a base line income all Welfare State entitlements ranging from HUD, to Social Security, to Food Stamps and really anything else imagineable is cancelled to tremendous Society Governmental savings and as a result a renewed commitment to individual liberty is initiated while a Society realizes it that they pay for poverty whether anyone wished it to be there or not and commits to not accepting poverty in Society in general. Fair, equitable and equal justice is applied and granted to all citizens without prejudices or any negative social bearings or adverse conentations.
In tandum, once a Society baseline income is applied the nullification of the 16th and 17th Amendment is applied as well in order to balance out the Federal versus State powers in the USA again. Very prominent and originally defined powers to handle National Defense, foreign affairs, intelligence, National treaties, trade agreements, the Army Corps of Engineers for massive and complex infrastructure projects and the likes are sustained with the Federal Government, but localized and unique social issues, agendas and Society guidelines in the realms of Education, transportation, minor infrastructure, penal systems, commerse and culture as well as much, much more can be handled easily at the State's local Governmental levels.
As a result to such logical Governmental restructuring less fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, foreign manipulations and infaltration is avoided and X50 States begin to perform honest competition amongst each other in restoring any citizens right to vote with their feet again in order to promote more responsible, effective, efficient and less problematic Governance and to promote a clear avenue to improve the standard of living of all Americans there after.
Tax Reformation to return to original Constitutional permissive forms of Federal compensation is returned in allowing a Federal excise tax to be issued and a Federal Corporate tax while no income taxation, estate taxation, capital gains taxation or any other form of Federal taxation is left in tact. As a result to this all citizens pay taxes, but can control how much they pay in taxation by their own free choosing in purchasing decisions that they solely decide upon by themselves.
Naturally speaking and consequently speaking as a result to such an over all National shift in reducing the over all size of Federal Government and the funds necessary to fund it the State's would be required to reform how they do taxation and would naturally in more instances than not be required to increase their taxation to their unique State level size and scope funding needs and would be free to do so and could do so in many various and different ways as their citizens decided to do so via proposals and ballot to vote on how such reformed and new taxation is devised and installed.
As a result to shifting over all Governmental infrastructure organization as a whole the outcome to such a shift would be less poverty, incentives to produce, a restoration of genuine free enterprise, profoundly less corruption, less War fare, higher standards of living, improved Global trade, improvement in Federal and State level Governmental function, renewed trust between citizens and their Government, accountability and a renewal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the USA once again.
As all people in the USA by now can clearly see, there is not much trust between the Government and it's citizens, poverty is at an all time high, the National Misery Index is at an all time high, corruption is wide spread, the National currency is in ruin, the threat of warfare is immensly great, liberties are threatened as never seen before and the potential precibise of Society collapse is brought upon all and is derived from an extremely flawed and broken ideology that disallows any rational common sence to be pursued in Government at any given time and all in all Government has failed all in its current and present form.
If the USA ever expects to save the World, well, she will have to certainly save herself 1st but in tandum should reform the rest of the World to assign meaningful duty's of purpose and meaning that lends to Global peace.
Some of the ideas that could be pursued and installed can be created by decisive actions. The UN should be shut down and replaced by National alligned commissions instead. For example the USA should flat out plunk down quid and armaments to Eastern block European Nations, Isreal, China, South Korea and Japan who can then be challenged to take on the rolls of Global Cops on a military basis. Nuclear Alliances with Russia, France, Uk, Pakistan and India should be organized to maintain, construct and kill nuclear power plants in any Nation in the World while making money off of the commissioned responsibility. Isreal should recieve a tremendous amount of money and military hardware by the USA, but under the condition that they will turn the Palestinian negative into a positive by transforming them instantaneously from a landless vagrant people into the Middle East's Peace Keepers by conscripting many of their willing citizens into a Palestinian Elite military to increase their standard of living and to create a dignified and meaningful purpose to their existence. Lands from Syria and Jordan could be carved up to create a Palestinian State and a unified body of Isreal, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE and Iraq could assemble a body that votes upon and coordinates the Palestian Middle East Peace Keeper mission to ensure balanced and logical procedures and to avoid misuse or abuse in the forces capabilities or functions and to ensure the force best keeps to regional peace purposes.
Space racing with Nations all over the Earth should be pursued and encouraged. Nations should create teams to where a combination of Governmental lotteries of financial awards is made for Private Sector companies to compete and pursue it! National cooperatives should be harnessed as well where various National races ensue! For example: USA, Sweden, India vs Russia, UK, Tawaiin vs China, France, Canada vs Brazil, Australia, South Korea vs Japan, Netherlands, Italy vs Germany, New Zealand, Spain vs. Mexico, Pakistan, Switzerland etc. Categories of competition could be made and prestigious awards given every 3 years to teams who perform the best results!
In conclusion to best balancing out the elimination of poverty, with individual incentives to pursue chosen endevours of personal interests while embracing individual liberties and harnessed human energies aimed at positives rather than negatives, a meaningful purpose(s) for over all Society to allow human expansion at all heirarchy levels for the human race could overcome the past failed Society Governmental experiments and maybe finally best balance the prevailing evils of greed and envy to keep it at bay while sustaining World wide free enterprise and Capitalism in concert to Governmental function. The new vision could very well improve the standard of living for all and propel man into space colonization where all levels of human financial heirarchy could expand together while alleviating the past cyclical and to be expected conflicts that derives from man's greatest evils of envy and greed that consistently leads man to war fare and ruin all through out human history.
When all levels of man expands in peace and harmony then wide spread death, warfare and ruin is averted, but without multi leveled expansion, well, as history has always shown us the inevitable is to be expected then.
By Mike M. Feb. 2012.
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